Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Sikander contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2008 for Vidhan Sabha from Jammu West
LOST against Chaman Lal Gupta
with 0% vote share
Chaman Lal Gupta BJP34,288
Surinder Singh Shangari IND21,251
Mangat Ram Sharma INC13,848
Chander Mohan Sharma JKN6,050
Rattan Lal Chargotra BSP1,791
Ashok Kumar IND887
Mohinder Paul Singh JKNPP837
Narinder Kant CPI658
Chamupati RPI585
Ravi Kumar Bali JKPDP496
Kanwarjeet IND462
Virinder Gupta JSM(P)451
Sanjay Gupta IND359
Vijay Kumar Bajyal IND311
Geeta Thakur IND287
Krishan Kumar Khosa JKDPN281
Rohit Bali BCP230
Rajesh Kumar IND213
Sikander Singh IND211
Uday Chand IND172
Veena Dogra RKSP162
Kanchan Sharma IND158
Naresh Dogra IND150
Jai Kumar Upadhayay IND145
Ashok Kumar Gupta LJP116
Randeep Singh Parihar IND115
Rajneesh Sharma JKANC113
Rajinder Kumar Sharma IND99
Rawan Kumar Kashyap AIFB97
Karan Singh Somria IND92
Naresh Kumar Sharma IND80
Naresh Kumar Sharma IND77
Anju Koul IND63
Tirath Kumar IND39
2002 for Vidhan Sabha from Karnah
LOST against Kafil-U-Rehman
with 36% vote share
2002 for Vidhan Sabha from Zadibal
LOST against Shahjahan Dar
with 1% vote share
1996 for Vidhan Sabha from Homeshalibugh
LOST against Gul Md. Rafiqui
with 22% vote share