Sotai Kri
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Sotai Kri contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2014 for Vidhan Sabha from Chowkham
LOST against Chow Tewa Mein
with 27% vote share
2009 for Vidhan Sabha from Lekang
LOST against Chowna Mein
with 6% vote share
2004 for Vidhan Sabha from Lekang
LOST against Chowna Mein
with 15% vote share
1999 for Vidhan Sabha from Lekang
LOST against Chow Na Mein
with 46% vote share
Chow Na Mein INC5,482
Sotai Kri BJP4,730
1998 for Lok Sabha from Arunachal East
LOST against Wangcha Rajkumar
with 30% vote share
Wangcha Rajkumar AC68,455
Sotai Kri BJP41,018
Wangpha Lowang INC19,628
Tokmin Borang JD6,199
1996 for Lok Sabha from Arunachal East
LOST against Wangcha Rajkumar
with 25% vote share
Wangcha Rajkumar IND42,784
Laeta Umbrey INC35,513
Sotai Kri BJP31,550
J.K.Panggeng IND9,387
Chau Tan Manpoong IND6,881
Kashme Lingi IND742
1995 for Vidhan Sabha from Tezu Hayuliang
LOST against Sobeng Tayang
with 33% vote share
Sobeng Tayang INC4,694
Sotai Kri BJP2,769
Nakul Chai JD1,051