Akbarpur - Raniya
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Akbarpur - Raniya
Assembly Election Race in Akbarpur - Raniya

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 2012 WON by SP party with 37% vote share
Winner: Ramswaroop Singh
Ramswaroop Singh SP69,148
Pratibha Shukla BSP67,905
Mathura Prasad Pal INC21,887
Ravi Shankar Urf - Ravi BJP19,610
Rameshwar IND1,716
Ramshekhar CPI1,592
Archana Mishra JAKP1,380
Ramvilas IND1,100
Harikaran Singh RSMD583
Arun Kumar LD330
Amit Kumar Srivastava IND325
Surendra Singh NLP258
Ajmer Singh RKSP222
Rajendra JD(U)204
Vidhan Sabha election in 2017 WON by BJP party with 43% vote share
Winner: Pratibha Shukla
Pratibha Shukla BJP87,430
Neeraj Singh SP58,701
Satish Shukla BSP45,761
Vijay Laxmi LD2,313
Balvan Singh RLD1,717
Surendra Kumar Gupta JAM1,191
None Of The Above NOTA1,098
Lalit Kumar PECP1,070
Deependra Singh Chauhan IND907
Anand Awasthi BSCP790
Pratibha IND721
Abdul Sattar BMUP573
Shantee SSD392
Ramchandra VP315
Ramprakash Kushwaha ALHP228
Vidhan Sabha election in 2022 WON by BJP party with 44% vote share
Winner: Pratibha Shukla
Pratibha Shukla BJP92,827
Dr. Ram Prakash Kushwaha SP79,410
Vinod Kumar Pal BSP32,233
Ambrish Singh Gaur INC1,646
Vivesh Kumar AAAP1,136
Vipin Kumar IND808
Rameshwar IND676
Rajesh Kumar PPID622
Kamlesh Kumar JANADIP617
Brij Bhushan IND434
Nausad Babu PECP230