Assembly Election Race in Alia
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: S. D. Patel
Candidate | Party | Votes |
S. D. Patel | INC | 10,863 |
M. B. Joshi | SWA | 9,296 |
B. D. Vaghala | IND | 1,710 |
K. R. Patadiya | PSP | 1,496 |
A. J. Sindhi | IND | 1,402 |
A. D. Chandariya | IND | 907 |
R. C. Trivedi | IND | 183 |
Winner: K P Shah
Candidate | Party | Votes |
K P Shah | INC | 14,682 |
P Jadeja Raghuvirsinh | IND | 7,527 |
Hira Manji Tada | BJS | 3,270 |
Abdullah Jivabhai Sindhi | IND | 1,959 |
Govind Karsan Bhambhai | IND | 710 |
Himmat Lal P Dave | NCO | 586 |
Pitha Desha Vaghela | IND | 382 |