All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Anaikattu
Assembly Election Race in Anaikattu

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 2016 WON by DMK party with 42% vote share
Winner: Nandakumar A P
Nandakumar A P DMK77,058
Kalaiarasu M ADMK68,290
Elavazagan K L PMK24,711
Palani P S TMC(M)2,633
Vijayakumar K BJP1,750
None Of The Above NOTA1,237
Sivaraj K NTK723
Karunanithi E BSP679
Chandrasekar D IND661
Sampath G IND616
Udayakumar N IND524
Venkatesan P UMK393
Elavarasan A IND353
Nandhakumar T IND312
Kalaiyarasan P IND246
Pushparaj R PPIS202
Srinivasan R NMK197
Sudhakar M VBMP191
Kattavarayan M GPI152
Nandakumar M IND146
Mahalakshmi A IND128
Nandakumar V IND122
Balaraman M IND104
Govinda Ammal RSPS102
Sivakumar T SP92
Vidhan Sabha election in 2021 WON by DMK party with 48% vote share
Winner: A.P.Nandakumar
A.P.Nandakumar DMK95,159
D.Velazhagan ADMK88,799
A.Sumithra NTK8,125
Nota NOTA1,791
M.Senthil Kumar IND1,357
V.D.Sathish Kumar AMMKMNKZ1,140
P Venkatesan IND468
K.Rajasekar IJK328
M Rajbabu IND179
T.Mathan Kumar IND150
N.Kirubakaran IND109
K.Naveenkumar IND94
R Karunamoorthy IND62
M.Arun IND44