Assembly Election Race in Araziline
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: B.Ram
Candidate | Party | Votes |
B.Ram | SSP | 33,218 |
R.N.Shastri | INC | 22,241 |
S.Prasad | BJS | 2,879 |
Sharda | IND | 1,923 |
Winner: Raj Behari
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Raj Behari | INC | 20,252 |
Baldeo | BKD | 18,324 |
Bhirgunath | SSP | 11,063 |
Vishwanath Singh | BJS | 4,572 |
Rameshwar Prasad | RPI | 4,160 |
Mohd. Iqbal | IND | 2,993 |
Radhey Krishna | IND | 1,112 |
Ram Sudhar | PBI | 595 |
Shitla Alias Shitla Singh | MAP | 544 |