Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel
with all details for that election.
Winner: Shambhu Prasad Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Shambhu Prasad Singh | JNP | 31,035 |
Rameshwar Prasad | IND | 18,863 |
Paul Anand Lal | SSD | 7,653 |
Shankar Prasad Shahi | INC | 6,941 |
Yamuna Singh | IND | 2,878 |
Jitendra Prasad Singh | IND | 1,737 |
Asik Sadik | IND | 1,075 |
Sita Ram Saw | IND | 469 |
Sayad Mohiuddin | IND | 390 |
Gopal Singh | FBL | 325 |
Bhagwat Singh | IND | 320 |
Suresh Kumar Singh | IND | 194 |
Kamta Singh | IND | 181 |
Jageshwar Singh Azad | IND | 139 |
Nathun Prasad Singh | IND | 106 |
Jagar Nath Sharma | IND | 99 |
Kaushal Kishore Sharma | IND | 59 |
Parmeshwar Singh | IND | 51 |