All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Bongaigaon
Assembly Election Race in Bongaigaon

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by INC party with 34% vote share
Winner: M.M. Sinha
M.M. Sinha INC9,516
M.R. Kha IND6,061
G.C. Singha CPM4,475
A.C. Sarkar IND4,192
B.C. Medhi IND2,468
A.B. Dihidar IND729
H. Goswami IND642
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by INC party with 85% vote share
Winner: Dhruba Barua
Dhruba Barua INC27,581
Alauddin Ahmed IND1,793
Arun Kumar Roy CPI1,532
Bali Charan Singha CPM1,124
Benoy Roy SOP458
Vidhan Sabha election in 1978 WON by JNP party with 33% vote share
Winner: Mathura Mohan Sinha
Mathura Mohan Sinha JNP10,488
Guru Charan Singha CPM10,242
Daruba Narayan Barus INC3,877
Nimal Chand Dutta Barus INC3,382
Raja Ajit Narayan Deb IND1,988
Arun Kumar Roy CPI1,482
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by IND party with 47% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhoosan Chaudhary
Vidhan Sabha election in 1991 WON by AGP party with 40% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhoosan Choudhary
Phani Bhoosan Choudhary AGP27,055
Bali Narayan Singha CPM21,279
Dhruba Narayan Barua INC13,511
Dhajendra Chandra Nath IND2,209
Damodar Singha URC1,102
Arun Kumar Roy ICS(SCS)729
Arup Kumar Nath JD624
Purna Ghose UMF580
Anil Sarkar JP542
Babu Ram Daimari IND478
Vidhan Sabha election in 1996 WON by AGP party with 51% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhusan Choudhury
Phani Bhusan Choudhury AGP39,301
Chimang Brahma IND14,543
Pranab Nandy INC12,601
Dhwajen Chandra Nath BJP8,611
Abdul Rezzaque URMCA1,212
Paresh Chandra Das AIIC(T)512
Arun Kumar Singha IND454
Damodar Singha IND249
Vidhan Sabha election in 2001 WON by AGP party with 62% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhusan Choudhury
Phani Bhusan Choudhury AGP52,814
Rajeswar Choudhury INC25,954
Hareswar Das CPM5,413
Rajendra Narayan Deb IND1,099
Dilip Sarkar IND565
Vidhan Sabha election in 2006 WON by AGP party with 47% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhusan
Phani Bhusan AGP48,302
Girish Baruah INC20,629
Prabhat Baisnab IND19,811
Hemagiri Konch BJP13,298
Samit Ranjan RJD1,503
Vidhan Sabha election in 2011 WON by AGP party with 41% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhusan Choudhury
Phani Bhusan Choudhury AGP45,871
Prabhat Baisnab INC33,474
Sashanka Brahma BOPF21,955
Moni Konch BJP7,782
Sibu Chanda SHS2,056
Kiranmayee Nath AITC1,344
Vidhan Sabha election in 2016 WON by AGP party with 56% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhusan Choudhury
Phani Bhusan Choudhury AGP77,292
Shankar Prasad Ray INC45,972
Itesh Bordoloi IND7,087
None Of The Above NOTA2,376
Dhirabati Choudhury IND1,902
Prabhat Baisnab IND1,404
Fulbar Ali Molya IND1,099
Deepak Kumar Das IND815
Vidhan Sabha election in 2021 WON by AGP party with 54% vote share
Winner: Phani Bhusan Choudhury
Phani Bhusan Choudhury AGP82,800
Shankar Prasad Ray INC44,633
Dipu Choudhury ASMJTYP13,988
Santanu Mukherjee PLTIJSTP2,266
Sri Sujit Kumar Roy BGanP2,184
Nota NOTA2,179
Kailash Das IND1,810
Prabhat Baisnab NPEP1,646
Gautam Dutta IND1,172
Sabendra Basumatary VPI952