Assembly Election Race in Chhaprauli
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Sahender Singh Ramala
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Sahender Singh Ramala | RLD | 65,124 |
Satender Singh | BJP | 61,282 |
Manoj Chaudhary | SP | 39,841 |
Rajbala | BSP | 30,241 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 1,027 |
Subhash Singh | IND | 758 |
Hukamchand | SASPA | 451 |
Asaphak | IEMC | 444 |
Savita Malik | BMUP | 386 |
Indu Singh Chhaprauli | SABHP | 348 |
Chaman Singh | AJPR | 250 |
Winner: Ajay Kumar
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ajay Kumar | RLD | 111,880 |
Sahender Singh Ramala | BJP | 82,372 |
Sahik | BSP | 9,774 |
Anees | AIMIM | 1,353 |
Mohd. Yunus | INC | 1,239 |
NOTA | NOTA | 886 |
Satveer Kashyap | VSIP | 759 |
Dr. Rajendra Khokhar | AAAP | 508 |
Ajay Kumar | IND | 368 |
Naresh | BHATARSP | 271 |
Chandrapal | INAPI | 259 |
Kaptan | ABLP | 235 |