Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Patel Natubhai Gomanbhai
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Patel Natubhai Gomanbhai | BJP | 51,242 |
Delkar Mohanbhai Sanjibhai | INC | 50,624 |
Mishal Laxmanbhai Navasubhai | IND | 5,711 |
Khulat Bhikalya Vanshya | IND | 1,401 |
Bij Yohanbhai Bhadiyabhai | BSP | 1,385 |
Winner: Patel Natubhai Gomanbhai
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Patel Natubhai Gomanbhai | BJP | 80,790 |
Delkar Mohanbhai Sanjibhai | INC | 74,576 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 2,962 |
Khulat Janiyabhai Chandubhai | NCP | 1,611 |
Prakash Vansha Khanvelkar | IND | 1,214 |
Bhurkud Dilipbhai Navjibhai | IND | 1,154 |
Patel Hemantbhai Keshavbhai | BSP | 982 |
Patel Chhotubhai Babubhai | AAAP | 621 |
Kamuben Khalpabhai Patel | IND | 418 |
Kishan Nathu Ghutiya | SHS | 378 |
Umedbhai Lallubhai Patel | BMUP | 348 |
Vijaybhai Nathubhai Bhoya | JD(U) | 232 |