All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Datia
Assembly Election Race in Datia

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Lok Sabha election in 1951 WON by INC party with 24% vote share
Winner: Ram Sahai Tiwari
Ram Sahai Tiwari INC82,104
Moti Lal Malvi INC80,767
Mata Din BJS32,171
Hansmukhi Sinha SP31,819
Babu Ram KMPP30,042
Nathua BJS27,593
Har Das SCF24,859
Ram Dayal IND15,758
Sita Ram IND13,455
Poonam Chand Thirani IND8,442
Vidhan Sabha election in 1957 WON by INC party with 53% vote share
Winner: Shyam Sunder Dass Shyam
Shyam Sunder Dass Shyam INC9,542
Pyare Lal HMS6,853
Champa Devi IND830
Gaya Prasad BJS703
Vidhan Sabha election in 1962 WON by IND party with 50% vote share
Winner: Surya Deo Sharma
Surya Deo Sharma IND12,287
Shyam Surnder Das Shyam INC7,421
Mathura Das IND2,855
Bala Prasad IND995
Daya Ram PSP514
Radha Charan IND400
Champa Devi IND204
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by JAC party with 35% vote share
Winner: S.S. Shyam
S.S. Shyam JAC11,458
N. Khare INC10,443
G.C. Agarwal IND6,891
T. Singh IND2,196
U. Raj IND895
S.Ram RPI686
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by BJS party with 46% vote share
Winner: Gulab Chand Kannoolal
Gulab Chand Kannoolal BJS18,099
Shyam Sundar INC14,299
J. S. Nirbhai Singh IND2,928
Govinddas IND1,851
Narayan Das IND483
Suryadeo IND479
Radhacharan Ganeshilal IND365
Bhagwan Singh IND343
Matadin Barelal IND319
Avtar Singh Pritam Singh IND297
Vidhan Sabha election in 1977 WON by INC party with 32% vote share
Winner: Shyam Sunder
Shyam Sunder INC13,614
Harihar Niwas JNP13,526
Shambhu Dayal IND6,406
Gulab Chand IND4,751
Chandan Singh IND2,003
Suryadeo IND1,228
Mool Chand IND679
Premnarain IND247
Vidhan Sabha election in 1980 WON by INC party with 44% vote share
Winner: Shyam Sunder Shyam
Shyam Sunder Shyam INC18,564
Shambhu Dayal JNP(SC)13,683
Jayender Singh BJP6,893
Patuva IND1,450
Ramdhar JNP477
Mool Chand Ramayani IND380
Hari Mohan INC(U)285
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by INC party with 64% vote share
Winner: Rajendra Kumar Bharti
Rajendra Kumar Bharti INC29,931
Radha Kant BJP13,882
Chandra Prakash IND1,061
Govind Prasad JNP609
Mohan Das IND351
Ganeshi Lal IND342
Babu Khan IND269
Nathu Ram IND215
Asha Ram IND197
Jagdish IND76
Vidhan Sabha election in 1990 WON by BJP party with 53% vote share
Winner: Shambhu Tiwari
Vidhan Sabha election in 1993 WON by INC party with 46% vote share
Winner: Ghanshyam Singh
Vidhan Sabha election in 1998 WON by SP party with 26% vote share
Winner: Rajendra Bharti
Rajendra Bharti SP23,248
Swami Sharan Dangi BSP16,512
Shambhu Tiwari IND15,276
Savitri Singh BJP11,872
Chandan Singh INC10,592
Satyendra Narayan IND9,196
Mohan Ramayani IND1,179
Rajkamal Das ABHM139
Ram Kumar IND81
Vidhan Sabha election in 2003 WON by INC party with 22% vote share
Winner: Ghan Shyam Singh
Vidhan Sabha election in 2008 WON by BJP party with 34% vote share
Winner: Narottam Mishra
Narottam Mishra BJP34,489
Rajendra Bharti BSP23,256
Ghanshyam Singh INC19,209
Abhdesh Nayak BJSH13,830
Pramod Pal Advocat SP2,203
Magan Lal IND1,788
Jagannath Prasad LJP1,108
Babeley Mahesh Chander IND897
Lalaram Vishwakarma IND788
Neeraj Tiwari IND726
Rajendara Singh IND696
Pramod Mishra IND564
Dwarka Sharma IND451
Rakesh Kumar Bahiya BHBP383
Kajim Uddein Siddiqui IND240
Babu Singh NLP176
Radha Mohan (Birbal SHS171
Ashok Kumar IND169
Vidhan Sabha election in 2013 WON by BJP party with 44% vote share
Winner: Narottam Mishra
Vidhan Sabha election in 2018 WON by BJP party with 49% vote share
Winner: Narottam Mishra