Assembly Election Race in Dawath
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Krishnaraj Sinha
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Krishnaraj Sinha | INC | 14,856 |
Sant Prasad Singh | CPI | 8,202 |
Thakur Prasad Singh | CNPSPJP | 2,362 |
Ram Vilas Singh | PSP | 1,997 |
Hamid Mian | IND | 805 |
Ramadesh Dubey | IND | 728 |
Bhargava Dutta Chaturvedi | IND | 492 |
Harianath Singh | IND | 372 |
Winner: Krishnaraj Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Krishnaraj Singh | INC | 11,696 |
Sant Prasad Singh | CPI | 8,388 |
Wasi Ahmed | SWA | 6,572 |
Lotan Sharma | PSP | 4,620 |
Brij Behari Chaudhary | SOC | 4,620 |
Nandkeshwar Singh | JS | 688 |
Bankey Behary Singh | RRP | 503 |