Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Loso Hasda
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Loso Hasda | INC | 22,509 |
Dhirendra Narayan Mukherji | INC | 22,384 |
Dharanath Bhattacharya | BJS | 12,808 |
Charu Banerji | FBL(MG) | 11,898 |
Mahendra Hembhram | FBL(MG) | 11,661 |
Shyam Shoren | BJS | 9,629 |
Mohan Saotal | HMS | 8,602 |
Ajit Kumar Basu Mullick | SP | 5,551 |
Jadav Chandra Saontal | SP | 4,515 |
Tara Pada Das | IND | 1,555 |
Jiban Krisna Banerjee | IND | 1,247 |