Gaya Muffasil
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Gaya Muffasil
Assembly Election Race in Gaya Muffasil

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1957 WON by INC party with 49% vote share
Winner: Hardeo Singh
Hardeo Singh INC10,838
Bindeshwari Prasad PSP5,731
Ram Sharan Mahto IND5,679
Vidhan Sabha election in 1962 WON by INC party with 54% vote share
Winner: Hardeo Singh
Hardeo Singh INC14,431
Ram Saran Mahto SWA9,910
Brijnand Kishore Prasad IND673
Naraian Prasad Yadav IND615
Kashi Ram SOC470
Khwaja Inait-Ullah PSP450
Kabilash Singh IND215
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by SSP party with 27% vote share
Winner: R. C. Yadav
R. C. Yadav SSP11,534
H. N. Singh INC11,321
C. Singh IND8,346
S. Mohiudin PSP3,569
J. Yadav BJS2,270
J. P. Singh SWA1,758
M. Noniyan IND1,557
A. Singh IND1,550
R. C. Singh IND440
Vidhan Sabha election in 1969 WON by INC party with 30% vote share
Winner: Hardeo Narain Singh
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by NCO party with 54% vote share
Winner: Surajdeo Singh
Surajdeo Singh NCO34,582
Mundika Singh INC21,850
Jaglal Prasad Yadav BJS5,494
Dhaneshwar Yadav IND1,355
Durga Sharan IND750
Vidhan Sabha election in 1977 WON by JNP party with 48% vote share
Winner: Vijay Kumar Singh
Vijay Kumar Singh JNP32,547
Surendra Prasad IND18,387
Awadhesh Singh INC14,607
Arun Prasad Yadav IND490
Chand Nath Verma IND415
Raj Kumar Yadav IND252
Binod Singh IND243
Krishan Kumar Singh IND238
Sidheshwar Prasad IND199
Sheo Nandan Singh IND112
Savitri Devi IND74
Vidhan Sabha election in 1980 WON by INC party with 56% vote share
Winner: Awadhesh Kumar Singh
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by INC party with 70% vote share
Winner: Awades Kumar Singh
Awades Kumar Singh INC66,013
Suraj Deo Singh LKD25,548
Ram Chander Singh Yadav IND727
Ram Rashila Devi IND564
Raj Kumar JNP355
Snoif Mian IND335
Yadu Nandan Sao IND284
Vasudeo Singh IND127
Ram Ashray Singh IND90
Ram Nandan Singh IND66
Ram Dahin Singh IND60
Vidhan Sabha election in 1990 WON by INC party with 65% vote share
Winner: Awadhesh Kumar Singh
Awadhesh Kumar Singh INC81,869
Vinod Kumar Yadvendu JD24,618
Sardar Mathura Yadav LKD(B)11,423
Yugal Kishor Prasad IND4,649
Sidh Nath Singh IPF1,429
Phugu Yadav IND689
Mohd Soni BKUS620
Aakshmannand Giri IND216
Prabhakar Rao Chauhan BSP176
Arjun Singh Yadav IND95
Keshwar Prasad IND93
Andhu Manjhi IND93
Vidhan Sabha election in 1995 WON by JD party with 53% vote share
Winner: Vinod Kumar Yadvindu
Vidhan Sabha election in 2000 WON by RJD party with 37% vote share
Winner: Vinod Kumar Yadvendu
Vinod Kumar Yadvendu RJD42,997
Awadhesh Kumar Singh INC37,236
Kamlesh Kumar Verma SAP15,823
Jitendra Kumar Yadav NCP5,643
Shurendra Prasad IND5,111
Ashok Das BSP1,822
Ramchandar Prasad SP1,667
Rajendra Manjhi CPI(ML)(L)1,577
Vijay Yadav IND1,335
Md. Nasim IND1,160
Rajnandan Prasad Singh BJC(R)455
Janki Yadav IND332
Ram Kumar Mahto JD(U)328
Rajendar Yadav IND290
Ramcharitra Manjhi IND255
Pradeep N. Yadav SSD216
Keshwar Prasad Yadav IND167
Sidheshwar Ram IND157
Ramdeep Singh IND148
Jitendra Narayan MCPI(S)102
Vidhan Sabha election in 2009 WON by IND party with 51% vote share
Winner: Awadhesh Kumar Singh
Awadhesh Kumar Singh IND57,403
Awadesh Kumar Singh INC27,282
Binod Kumar RJD32,263
Vindeshwari Prasad IND24,617
Binod Kumar Yadvendu JD(U)17,760
Ram Kumar Mehta JD(U)11,389
Mohammad Nasim LJP9,940
Veena Ray BSP2,126
Sideshwar Ram IND2,321
Ramkeshwer Prasad LJP2,057
Vinod Kumar Singh IND2,010
Mahesh Singh Yadav IND2,135
Aditya Paswan IND870
Suryadev Verma BSP1,543
Saroj Devi RLD637
Sahab Uddin IND1,497
Ram Ashish Singh IND637
Lala Paswan IND1,089
Md. Ayyub SP696
Jugal Kishore Prasad SSD559
Yogendra Das IND549
Gopal Sharan IND474
Puran Chaudhary IND531
Mahaveer Ram IND439
Ajay Yadav IND507
Puran Chaudhary IND384
Phulmati Devi IND462
Mohan Prasad IND371
Rajendra Paswan IND456
Jitendra Ram IND383
Vidhan Sabha election in 2009 WON by INC party with 30% vote share
Winner: Awadesh Kumar Singh
Awadhesh Kumar Singh IND57,403
Awadesh Kumar Singh INC27,282
Binod Kumar RJD32,263
Vindeshwari Prasad IND24,617
Binod Kumar Yadvendu JD(U)17,760
Ram Kumar Mehta JD(U)11,389
Mohammad Nasim LJP9,940
Veena Ray BSP2,126
Sideshwar Ram IND2,321
Ramkeshwer Prasad LJP2,057
Vinod Kumar Singh IND2,010
Mahesh Singh Yadav IND2,135
Aditya Paswan IND870
Suryadev Verma BSP1,543
Saroj Devi RLD637
Sahab Uddin IND1,497
Ram Ashish Singh IND637
Lala Paswan IND1,089
Md. Ayyub SP696
Jugal Kishore Prasad SSD559
Yogendra Das IND549
Gopal Sharan IND474
Puran Chaudhary IND531
Mahaveer Ram IND439
Ajay Yadav IND507
Puran Chaudhary IND384
Phulmati Devi IND462
Mohan Prasad IND371
Rajendra Paswan IND456
Jitendra Ram IND383