Assembly Election Race in Ghatampur East
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Dayal Das Bhagat
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Dayal Das Bhagat | INC | 31,458 |
Brij Behari Mehrorta | INC | 31,427 |
Sukhbaet Singh | SP | 16,443 |
Tilak Chand | SCF | 15,562 |
Shiv Dass Pd. | IND | 10,125 |
Gur Pd. Chaturvedi | KMPP | 3,871 |
Winner: Sheo Nath Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Sheo Nath Singh | SOC | 20,511 |
Beni Singh | INC | 18,763 |
Raghunath Prasad Chaudhari | SWA | 5,782 |
Jang Bahadur Singh | PSP | 2,983 |
Kunwar Abdul Jalil Khan | REP | 628 |