Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Patel Bhupendrabhai Rajnikant
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Patel Bhupendrabhai Rajnikant | BJP | 175,652 |
Patel Shashikant (Bhurabhai) | INC | 57,902 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 4,173 |
Thakor Budhaji Gabhaji | BSP | 1,105 |
Shah Surendrabhai Keshavlal | IND | 619 |
Rahul Chimanbhai Meheta | IND | 572 |
Kachhadiya Keshavlal Ramjibhai | IND | 423 |
Panchal Amit Natvarlal | IND | 352 |
Piyushbhai Somnath Patel (C A) | IND | 218 |
Patel Yogeshkumar Chandubhai | IND | 203 |
Patel Shaileshkumar Kashiram | IND | 154 |
Kiran (Mastersir) | IND | 147 |
Nilesh Naranbhai Mistry | IND | 143 |
Darshan Dilipbhai Patel | IND | 124 |