Assembly Election Race in Jabalpur Cantt
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Ishwardas Rohani
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ishwardas Rohani | BJP | 57,200 |
Alok Mishra | INC | 32,469 |
Pt. Raju Pandey | BSP | 5,036 |
Sushil Pasi | IND | 1,000 |
Pramod Karosiya | IND | 661 |
Kirti Kumar Alias Raju | BJSH | 445 |
John Bosco | IND | 224 |
Ashish Yadav | RPI(A) | 200 |
Ghanshayam Das Daryani | IND | 113 |
Winner: Ashok Ishwardas Rohani
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ashok Ishwardas Rohani | BJP | 83,676 |
Sarveshwar (Chaman) Shrivastava | INC | 29,935 |
Anil Kumar Raidas | BSP | 2,870 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 2,545 |
Shashi Stela Lewis | IND | 967 |
Mukesh Mehrotra | IND | 501 |
Sunder Lal Jhariya | SWP | 426 |
Puja Gupta | IND | 417 |
A. P. Khosla | IND | 146 |
Winner: Ashok Ishwardas Rohani
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ashok Ishwardas Rohani | BJP | 71,898 |
Pt. Alok Mishra | INC | 45,313 |
Rajesh Kumar Singh | BSP | 3,392 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 2,256 |
Yuvraj Vishwakarma | AAAP | 816 |
Surendra Yadeo | IND | 703 |
Yogesh Agarwal | IND | 573 |
Comred Vidya Khangar | CPM | 372 |
Kanhaiya Tiwari | SHS | 328 |
Lalit Keshwani | BJSPP | 194 |
Anil Raidas (Advocate) | IND | 189 |
Pradeep Gayakvar | IND | 134 |
Advocate - Ved Prakash Patel | SWBI | 121 |
Ashish Paroche | IND | 87 |
Dharmendra Kumar | BSCP | 76 |