Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Amar Chand Jain
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Amar Chand Jain | BJP | 59,764 |
Khalil Uddin Mazumder | AIUDF | 50,956 |
Ataur Rahman Mazarbhuiya | INC | 16,418 |
Trayabashi Das | IND | 1,949 |
Moinul Hoque | CPI | 1,372 |
Samujjal Das | IND | 906 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 906 |
Hanif Alom Mazarbhuiya | IND | 826 |
Ala Uddin Choudhury | SP | 552 |
Saleh Ahmed Talukdar | IND | 541 |
Arun Karmakar | IND | 425 |
Rafique Uzzaman Laskar | IND | 356 |
Mahendra Sinha | IND | 284 |
Sujata Sinha | JNCP | 273 |
Dipak Lal Das | IND | 184 |