Assembly Election Race in Keishamthong
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Langpoklakpam
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Langpoklakpam | INC | 11,266 |
Laisom Ibomcha | MPP | 10,431 |
Lairenjam | CPI | 555 |
Winner: L. Ibomcha Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
L. Ibomcha Singh | NCP | 9,795 |
Langpoklakpam | INC | 8,336 |
Rajkumar Shivchandra | AITC | 2,530 |
Yumnam Romola Devi | CPM | 178 |
Changamayum Ganeshlal | MSCP | 81 |
Khundongbam Ojit | SHS | 30 |
Winner: Langpoklakpam Jayantakumar Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Langpoklakpam Jayantakumar Singh | NPEP | 10,000 |
Laisom Ibomcha Singh | INC | 6,739 |
Rajkumar Shivachandra Singh | BJP | 5,003 |
Potsangbam Dhanakumar Singh | NEINDP | 611 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 206 |
Khaba Paonam | MPEP | 204 |
Heishnam Lokeshwar Singh | LJP | 171 |
Yumnam Romola Devi | MNDF | 96 |
Changamayum Ganeshlal Singh | AIFB | 77 |