Assembly Election Race in Khandpara
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Harihar Singh Mardaraj Bharmarabay Roy
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Harihar Singh Mardaraj Bharmarabay Roy | INC | 13,855 |
Laxminarayan Jagadev | GP | 3,596 |
Winner: Singh Mardaraj Bharamarbar Ray Harihar
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Singh Mardaraj Bharamarbar Ray Harihar | INC | 12,891 |
Moharana Narasingh | IND | 3,002 |
Sahu Antarjami | IND | 2,879 |
Singh Samant Raghunath | GP | 827 |
Winner: Bansidhar Pattnaik
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Bansidhar Pattnaik | IND | 6,092 |
Sashidhar Padhan | INC | 5,513 |
Antaryami Sahoo | IND | 5,358 |
Satyasundar Mishna | UTC | 3,315 |
Brajasundar Patnaik | SWA | 2,754 |