All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Kopargaon
Assembly Election Race in Kopargaon

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Lok Sabha election in 1957 WON by IND party with 64% vote share
Winner: Kamble Bapu Chandrasen
Kamble Bapu Chandrasen IND92,501
Kanawade Pandharinath Ramchandra INC51,072
Lok Sabha election in 1962 WON by INC party with 53% vote share
Winner: Annasaheb Pandurang Shinde
Annasaheb Pandurang Shinde INC122,057
Yashwantrao Bhimrao Ambedkar REP55,527
Damodhar Tatyaba Rupawate IND50,626
Lok Sabha election in 1967 WON by INC party with 46% vote share
Winner: A. P. Shince
A. P. Shince INC138,774
P. B. Kadu CPI123,812
V. S. Chandekar BJS37,323
Lok Sabha election in 1971 WON by INC party with 61% vote share
Winner: Eknath Vithalrao Vikhe
Eknath Vithalrao Vikhe INC179,492
Punjaji Bapuji Kadu CPI110,050
Balwant Changdeo Teke PSP6,277
Lok Sabha election in 1977 WON by INC party with 67% vote share
Winner: Vikhe Eknathrao Vithalrao
Vikhe Eknathrao Vithalrao INC181,013
Pawar Kishore Rameshwar BLD82,469
Wale Dada Baban IND7,174
Vidhan Sabha election in 1978 WON by INC party with 57% vote share
Winner: Kolhe Shankarrao Genuji
Lok Sabha election in 1980 WON by INC(I) party with 67% vote share
Winner: Vikhe Eknathrao Vithalrao
Vidhan Sabha election in 1980 WON by INC party with 56% vote share
Winner: Kolhe Shankarrao Genuji
Kolhe Shankarrao Genuji INC43,166
Kale Shankerrao Deoram INC(U)33,335
Jadhav Shravan Jairam IND532
Lok Sabha election in 1984 WON by INC party with 58% vote share
Winner: Vikhe Eknathrao Alias Balesaheb Vithalrao
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by INC party with 55% vote share
Winner: Rohamare Dadasaheb Shahji
Lok Sabha election in 1989 WON by INC party with 50% vote share
Winner: Vikhe E.V.
Vikhe E.V. INC248,106
Gunjal V.S. BJP127,048
Kadu A.P. CPI113,911
Patil D.B. DDP3,792
Bingale M.K. BSP2,603
Pawar H.B. IND1,867
Bramhane V.A IND845
Shaikh Chand A.K. IND693
Vidhan Sabha election in 1990 WON by INC party with 61% vote share
Winner: Kolhe Shankarrao Genuji
Lok Sabha election in 1991 WON by INC party with 63% vote share
Winner: Kale Shankarrao Deoram
Vidhan Sabha election in 1995 WON by INC party with 49% vote share
Winner: Kolhe Shankarrao Genuji
Lok Sabha election in 1996 WON by BJP party with 48% vote share
Winner: Badade Bhimrao Vishnuji
Lok Sabha election in 1998 WON by INC party with 56% vote share
Winner: Tanpure Prasad Baburao
Lok Sabha election in 1999 WON by SHS party with 39% vote share
Winner: E V Alias Balasaheb Vikhe Patil
Vidhan Sabha election in 1999 WON by NCP party with 37% vote share
Winner: Kolhe Shankarrao Genuji
Lok Sabha election in 2004 WON by INC party with 53% vote share
Winner: E. V. Alias Balasaheb Vikhe Patil
Vidhan Sabha election in 2004 WON by SHS party with 54% vote share
Winner: Kale Ashokrao Shankarrao
Vidhan Sabha election in 2009 WON by SHS party with 49% vote share
Winner: Kale Ashokrao
Vidhan Sabha election in 2014 WON by BJP party with 51% vote share
Winner: Kolhe Snehalata Bipindada
Vidhan Sabha election in 2019 WON by NCP party with 43% vote share
Winner: Aashutosh Ashokrao Kale