Assembly Election Race in Kshetrigao
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Md. Amin Shah
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Md. Amin Shah | INC | 7,981 |
Thangjam Nandakishor | NCP | 4,987 |
Athokpam Lala | CPI | 4,439 |
A. R. Khan | NPP | 3,278 |
Pangambam Premananda | AITC | 2,814 |
Sheikh Noorul Hassan | IND | 1,274 |
Vivek Raj Wangkhem | MSCP | 577 |
Thingbaijam Ibosana | BJP | 143 |
Winner: Nahakpam Indrajit Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Nahakpam Indrajit Singh | BJP | 10,411 |
Md Amin Shah | INC | 10,031 |
Th Nandakishor Singh | MNDF | 9,190 |
Vivekraj Wangkhem | NPEP | 281 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 174 |
Md Azizul Hague Khan | MPEP | 80 |
Md Abir Khan | AIFB | 69 |
Md Zameer Ahmed | AITC | 67 |