Assembly Election Race in Loutolim
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Barbosa Luis Proto Aleixo
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Barbosa Luis Proto Aleixo | INC | 4,073 |
Fernandes Sedy Antonio | IND | 3,958 |
Disa Celso | GLP | 2,661 |
Barreto Antonio Caitano | IND | 131 |
Fernandes Joaquim B.P. Antonio | IND | 67 |
Winner: Aleixo Sequeira
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Aleixo Sequeira | INC | 6,846 |
Gracias Radharao Socrates | UGDP | 5,177 |
Carvalho Manuel Bernardo | IND | 262 |
Parkar Ajit | MAG | 110 |
Baptista Xavier | BSP | 90 |
Daniel Oscar | IND | 44 |
Cunha Sebastiao | IND | 42 |
Fernandes Juse | IND | 25 |
Winner: Aleixo Sequeira
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Aleixo Sequeira | INC | 0 |
Winner: Aleixo Sequeira
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Aleixo Sequeira | INC | 8,873 |
Gracias Radharao Socrates | UGDP | 4,119 |
Colaco Caetano Inacio | NCP | 561 |
Jose Pinheiro | BJP | 262 |
Vaz Joaquim | IND | 176 |
John Philip Pereira | GSRP | 119 |
Winner: Aleixo Seqeira
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Aleixo Seqeira | INC | 6,435 |
Fernandes Piedade | SGF | 4,894 |
Dourado Pausilipo | IND | 3,534 |