Maldaha Uttar
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Maldaha Uttar
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Lok Sabha election in 2009 WON by INC party with 48% vote share
Winner: Mausam Noor
Mausam Noor INC440,264
Sailen Sarkar CPM380,123
Amlan Bhaduri BJP61,515
Mallika Sarkar (Nandy) IND10,046
Monowara Begam RDMP7,362
Bikash Biswas BSP7,179
Atul Chandra Mandal IND5,998
Amina Khatun IND4,841
Asim Kumar Chowdhury IND4,174
Lok Sabha election in 2014 WON by INC party with 33% vote share
Winner: Mausam Noor
Mausam Noor INC388,609
Khagen Murmu CPM322,904
Soumitra Ray AITC197,313
Subhash Krishna Goswami BJP179,000
Milan Das SP12,163
None Of The Above NOTA10,481
Gautam Sarkar SUCI8,988
Nurul Islam Majidi WPOI7,128
Imanuyel Hemram (Baidya) JDP6,805
Suren Murmu IND6,446
Chitta Ranjan Kirttania BSP6,229
Monatan Hembram BMUP4,696
Abdul Khaleque AIUDF4,650
Bishnupada Barman AMB4,225
Minara Khatun HKRD3,348
Lok Sabha election in 2019 WON by BJP party with 38% vote share
Winner: Khagen Murmu
Khagen Murmu BJP509,524
Mausam Noor AITC425,236
Isha Khan Choudhury INC305,270
Biswanath Ghosh CPM50,401
Mohan Hasda IND13,473
Nota NOTA8,039
Al Monowara Begam IND7,225
Nitish Kumar Mandal BSP6,347
Monatan Hembram BMUP5,985
Md. Dulal Hoque IND5,534
Arjun Keshari SHS4,985
Nimai Besara IND3,090
Alam Noorsed IND2,535
Subhash Sarkar SUCI(C)2,030
Joseph Kisku JMM1,920
Subhash Barman KPPU1,642
Nitya Das AHNP1,470