Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Roopnarayan Jhanaklal Chaturvedi
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Roopnarayan Jhanaklal Chaturvedi | INC | 25,183 |
Bhupatsingh Kariya | INC | 20,535 |
Girija Shankar Hardayal Agnihotri | IND | 6,397 |
Likhari Bishnu | SP | 4,823 |
Gulabchand Gopal Prasad Agarwal | IND | 4,677 |
Kalindiprasad Gopaldes | IND | 4,601 |
Lakshman Dutta Ganesh Datta Pathak | IND | 4,107 |
Vijay Dutta Narayan Dutta | SP | 2,640 |
Shankarlal Rigdeo | IND | 785 |
Vaigaram Mohan | IND | 631 |
Beohra Rajendrasingh Raghubirsingh | IND | 524 |