All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Maro
Assembly Election Race in Maro

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1962 WON by INC party with 45% vote share
Winner: Sheolal
Sheolal INC8,496
Nayandas PSP7,535
Uttamchand RRP2,860
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by INC party with 52% vote share
Winner: D. P. Patre
D. P. Patre INC12,815
R. Kurre BJS11,744
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by INC party with 64% vote share
Winner: Kishan
Kishan INC17,373
Rekhalal BJS6,040
Dharam Prasad Patre IND3,542
Vidhan Sabha election in 1977 WON by JNP party with 49% vote share
Winner: Gophelal Kurree
Gophelal Kurree JNP16,868
Kishanlal Kurre INC16,317
Sagardas IND1,020
Vidhan Sabha election in 1980 WON by INC party with 58% vote share
Winner: Derhu Prasad Dhratlehare
Derhu Prasad Dhratlehare INC18,567
Lakhanlal Kurre BJP6,234
Kishanlal Kurre IND3,605
Jagjiwan Ram Patre IND2,132
Dhan Singh IND867
Ayodhya Prasad Kurre INC(U)652
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by INC party with 62% vote share
Winner: Kishanlal Kurre
Kishanlal Kurre INC18,836
Rekhalal Kurre BJP9,303
Radhelal IND1,275
Sheonarayan IND769
Shyamlal Mahilange IND379
Vidhan Sabha election in 1990 WON by IND party with 36% vote share
Winner: Derhoo Prasad Ghritlahre
Derhoo Prasad Ghritlahre IND19,326
Mangat Ram Jangde BJP15,331
Kishan Lal Kurre INC12,011
Suresh Kumar Banjare BSP1,855
Lakhan Lal Baghel IND1,212
Samme Lal DDP1,071
Sagar Das IND965
Ghasiya IND944
Lobhan Das IND511
Chumman Lal CMM506
Vidhan Sabha election in 1993 WON by INC party with 44% vote share
Winner: Derhu Prasad Dhritlahare
Derhu Prasad Dhritlahare INC30,260
Gofelal Kurre BJP28,335
Aaju Kosale BSP8,680
Dev Singh DDP704
Ramcharan IND120
Vidhan Sabha election in 1998 WON by IND party with 42% vote share
Winner: Derhu Prasad Dhritlahre
Derhu Prasad Dhritlahre IND30,226
Dayal Das Baghel BJP25,188
Kamala Baghel INC9,688
B. R. Joshi BSP3,974
Ghope Lal IND549
Chait Ram Baghel IND508
Anand Ram AD459
Radhelal CSP282
Dulle Chand IND211
Rajkumari IND175
Amrit Das IND122
Kamala Bai Baghel IND80
Vidhan Sabha election in 2003 WON by BJP party with 47% vote share
Winner: Dayal Das Baghel
Dayal Das Baghel BJP45,279
Derhu Prasad Ghritlahare INC33,620
Suresh Banjare BSP7,299
Goakaran Singh Kurrey NCP3,116
Dayal Das Baghel IND2,355
Anant Jee Ratre GGP2,291
Narendra Kumar YGP1,818
Anand Ram Dahariya IND1,276