Assembly Election Race in Molana
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Rattan Amol Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Rattan Amol Singh | INC | 24,289 |
Ram Parkash | IND | 21,673 |
Telu | INC | 20,179 |
Jai Gopal | SP | 17,998 |
Maharaj Singh | ZP | 13,296 |
Balwant Singh | IND | 6,480 |
Samsher Singh | IND | 6,004 |
Rattan Singh | IND | 4,858 |
Kuldeep Singh | IND | 4,679 |
Nand Kishore | IND | 3,273 |
Dharam Pal | IND | 2,766 |
Behari Lal | IND | 2,535 |
Ram Singh Ajeeb | IND | 2,217 |
Gainda Ram | IND | 1,596 |
Winner: Ram Parkash
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ram Parkash | INC | 22,674 |
Ram Parshad | REP | 8,423 |
Inder Raj | JS | 5,938 |
Sadhu Ram | PSP | 1,929 |
Khazan Singh | SWA | 1,192 |
Dharam Pal | IND | 842 |