All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Naguru
Assembly Election Race in Naguru

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1955 WON by IND party with 33% vote share
Winner: Addakula Lakshmu Naidu
Vidhan Sabha election in 1962 WON by INC party with 44% vote share
Winner: Addakula Laxmunaidu
Addakula Laxmunaidu INC8,973
Biddika Sriramulu CPI6,745
Kella Chinnapudora SWA4,715
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by SWA party with 40% vote share
Winner: P. R. R. Sethruchrla
P. R. R. Sethruchrla SWA18,460
C. C. D. Vyrichrla INC16,667
S. Biddika CPM11,264
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by IND party with 51% vote share
Winner: C Chudamani Dev V
C Chudamani Dev V IND22,435
Satrucherla P Raju INC21,718
Vidhan Sabha election in 1978 WON by JNP party with 39% vote share
Winner: Satrucharala Vijaya Rama Raju
Vidhan Sabha election in 1983 WON by INC party with 45% vote share
Winner: Vijayaramaraju Sathrucherla
Vidhan Sabha election in 1985 WON by INC party with 51% vote share
Winner: Satrucherla Vijayaramaraju
Satrucherla Vijayaramaraju INC31,872
Vempatapu Bharati TDP27,958
Nimmala Krishnamurty IND1,891
Arika Gumpaswamy IND426
Srirama Chiranjeevi Dora IND292
Vidhan Sabha election in 1989 WON by INC party with 51% vote share
Winner: Chandrasekhara Raju Setrucharla
Chandrasekhara Raju Setrucharla INC38,456
Pradeep Kumar Dev Vyricharla TDP35,021
Biddika Radho IND1,572
Vulaka Kurma Rao IND739
Vidhan Sabha election in 1994 WON by TDP party with 65% vote share
Winner: Nimmaka Jaya Raju
Vidhan Sabha election in 1999 WON by INC party with 46% vote share
Winner: Vijayaramaraju Setrucharla
Vijayaramaraju Setrucharla INC39,726
Nimmaka Jayaraju TDP32,809
Kolaka Lakshmana Murthy CPM9,957
Biddika Ratho IND2,045
Kolaka Bharathi BJRP1,635
Vidhan Sabha election in 2004 WON by CPM party with 51% vote share
Winner: Lakshmana Murthy Kolaka
Lakshmana Murthy Kolaka CPM47,227
Jayaraju Nimmaka TDP38,526
Kondagorri Ramulu IND2,526
Biddika Radho IND1,624
Golla Pakeeru IND1,452
Biddika Pagadalu IND1,244
Nimmala Latchayya IND882