Assembly Election Race in Nand Nagari
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Fateh Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Fateh Singh | BJP | 13,429 |
Rup Chand | INC | 12,648 |
Amar Pal Singh | JD | 11,440 |
Bhim Sen | IND | 2,747 |
Pran Singh | BSP | 2,091 |
Ram Kanwar | CPM | 586 |
Ram Prakash | FBL | 343 |
Bal Ram | IND | 216 |
Karam Chand | IND | 190 |
Ram Singh | GLP | 175 |
Ashok Kumar | BKD(J) | 164 |
Ved Prakash | DPP | 146 |
Sudhir Kumar | IND | 135 |
Timsi Prasad | DDP | 100 |
Kanwal Singh Jatav | IND | 46 |
J.S. Anand | IND | 46 |
Winner: Roop Chand
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Roop Chand | INC | 25,742 |
Fateh Singh | BJP | 15,006 |
Satish Kumar | BSP | 6,997 |
Shishu Pal Singh | IND | 2,922 |
Rajesh Kumar | IND | 1,580 |
Amar Pal Singh | JD | 868 |
Ram Prakash | SP | 640 |
Feru Singh | IND | 376 |
Shyam Lal | IND | 288 |
Rajvir Singh | IND | 120 |
Brahm Prakash | IND | 115 |
Iqbal Singh | IND | 105 |
Hari Singh | JP | 72 |
Shiv Dutt | ABGMKP | 71 |
Puran Prakash | RUD | 68 |
Kunwar Pal | ABJC | 52 |
Winner: Baljor Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Baljor Singh | INC | 30,408 |
Satish Kumar | BSP | 19,063 |
Ranjit Singh | BJP | 14,950 |
Ram Prakash | SP | 734 |
Jeet Singh | RLD | 648 |
Sharan Singh Sahgal | IND | 617 |
Veer Pal | NCP | 385 |
Bhikari | SHS | 337 |
Roshni Devi | IJP | 328 |
Renuka | IND | 284 |
Samunder Sen | NLP | 252 |
Dhannu Devi | IND | 103 |