R .K. Puram
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for R .K. Puram
Assembly Election Race in R .K. Puram

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1977 WON by JNP party with 72% vote share
Winner: Ram Bhaj
Ram Bhaj JNP10,116
Jagdish Chander INC3,450
Iqbal Marwah IND527
Vidhan Sabha election in 1983 WON by BJP party with 51% vote share
Winner: Archna Kumari
Archna Kumari BJP9,508
Gopal Prasad Shastri INC7,561
Gurdiip Singh JNP983
M.L. Bhargav IND236
Thakur Onkar Singh IND71
Baldev Raj Kapoor IND54
S.P. Jain IND49
Ganga Ram IND29
P.R. Saroja IND29
Vidhan Sabha election in 1993 WON by BJP party with 41% vote share
Winner: Bodh Raj
Bodh Raj BJP17,838
Usha Krishana Kumar INC16,178
Shanti Swaroop JD7,009
D.B. Thapliyal IND1,044
Rama Kant IND884
Bhagwan Dass IND609
H.S. Kapoor IND97
Ashok Kumar IND53
Kuldeep Singh IND35
Rambir Singh Khokhar IND33
Satendra S.Dhaka SP32
Dharm Pal IND22
Vinod Kumar Khullar IND18
Sunder Singh IND15
Vidhan Sabha election in 1998 WON by INC party with 46% vote share
Winner: Ashok Singh
Ashok Singh INC20,509
Bodh Raj BJP17,152
Ajit Singh IND4,779
Rajendra Singh IND1,141
(Major) Nishan Singh Cheema IND746
Mahesh Chandra Singh IND173
Vishnu Dev IND92
Ravinder Kumar IND26
Vidhan Sabha election in 2003 WON by INC party with 54% vote share
Winner: Barkha Singh
Barkha Singh INC22,591
Ajit Singh BJP17,006
Hiren Tokas IND1,477
Inderjeet Singh Mehta IND278
Kapoor Singh ABJS242
Sukhbir Singh BLCP95
Jai Ram IND83
Sabir Ali JPJD77
Vidhan Sabha election in 2008 WON by INC party with 53% vote share
Winner: Barkha Singh
Barkha Singh INC35,878
Radhey Shyam Sharma BJP26,561
Kulbir Singh BSP3,298
Raja Ram LJP364
G Sivasankaran IND334
Satish IND292
Yamuna Chand IND162
Suraj Bhan RJAP113
Jaswant Rai Nim IND64
Vidhan Sabha election in 2013 WON by BJP party with 33% vote share
Winner: Anil Kumar Sharma
Anil Kumar Sharma BJP28,017
Shazia Ilmi Malik AAP27,691
Barkha Shukla Singh INC19,679
Dhiraj Kumar Tokas BSP7,614
None Of The Above NOTA528
Mahaveer Singh PGP222
Uttam Kumar NDP211
S.D. Prakash DMDK165
Giandev Gupta ACP109
Rashid Ilmi IND99
Kuldeep Singh Ahlawat IND72
Gaurav Verma ABVCP39
Nepal Singh RJP22
Vidhan Sabha election in 2015 WON by AAAP party with 57% vote share
Winner: Parmila Tokas
Parmila Tokas AAAP54,645
Anil Kumar Sharma BJP35,577
Lila Dhar Bhatt INC4,042
Mahipal Singh BSP828
None Of The Above NOTA462
Kushma Devi IND234
Rakesh Kumar HND133
Udaibir Singh Tokas HCP120
Rai Singh RtrSP59
Kuldeep Singh Ahlawat IND54
M G Radhakrishnan PMPT43
K Jeevan Rita Murthy RPI(A)38
Asif Khan IND21
Vidhan Sabha election in 2020 WON by AAAP party with 52% vote share
Winner: Pramila Tokas
Pramila Tokas AAAP47,208
Anil Kumar Sharma BJP36,839
Priyanka Singh INC3,237
Mahipal Singh IND1,551
Nota NOTA527
Nageshwar Das BSP301
Mukesh BSNP181
Kumar Sheodhvj Ratna IND160