All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Radhapuram
Assembly Election Race in Radhapuram

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by INC party with 50% vote share
Winner: N.Soundarapandian
N.Soundarapandian INC31,588
V.Kartheesan DMK31,040
Vidhan Sabha election in 1971 WON by DMK party with 52% vote share
Winner: Karthesan V.
Karthesan V. DMK33,678
Karuthiah K. P. NCO31,489
Vidhan Sabha election in 1977 WON by ADMK party with 39% vote share
Winner: Y.S.M. Yusuf
Y.S.M. Yusuf ADMK26,404
P. Paul Pandian JNP22,810
I. Rayer DMK12,028
T. Martin INC6,524
S. Subbiah Nadar IND336
S.K. John Deva Irakkam IND163
Vidhan Sabha election in 1980 WON by GKC party with 54% vote share
Winner: Muthu Ramalingam S.
Muthu Ramalingam S. GKC38,044
Nellai Nedumaran DMK31,408
Kirupanithi A. IND480
Subbiah P. IND257
Dason V. G. IND206
Ganapathi Nadar S. IND124
Vidhan Sabha election in 1984 WON by GKC party with 54% vote share
Winner: Kumari Ananthan
Vidhan Sabha election in 1989 WON by INC party with 32% vote share
Winner: Ramani Nallathambi
Ramani Nallathambi INC29,432
Karthesan V. DMK24,930
Sountmara Pandian N. IND23,995
Thangaraj D. ADK(JR)7,980
Jeyaraj S. BJP4,068
Murugan S. IND225
Pappa Saravanaperumal IND187
Vigneswaran G. IND152
Diraviam K. IND147
Justin T. IND135
Jeganathan M. IND110
Puludayar Thevar S. IND63
Vidhan Sabha election in 1991 WON by INC party with 63% vote share
Winner: Ramani Nallathambi
Ramani Nallathambi INC51,331
Sargunaraj N. DMK18,600
Jeyaraj S. BJP9,136
Thangavel S. AMI1,738
Masanamuthu T. JP472
Thangaraja A. TMM162
Gurunathan S. PMK131
Vijayan N. IND90
John Devairakkam S.K. IND44
Vidhan Sabha election in 1996 WON by TMC(M) party with 47% vote share
Winner: Appavu M.
Appavu M. TMC(M)45,808
Chandrasekaran S.K. INC16,862
Ponnuvel R. BJP13,265
Raymond M. MDMK10,937
Balraj S. IND9,460
Nallathamby AIIC(T)909
Sudalaimuthu Nadar R. IND270
Kalaiselvan A. IND214
Paulraj Nadar R. IND147
Pauldurai C. IND111
Loganathan G. IND91
Diraviam K. IND83
Lingam S. IND80
Gnanadasan V. IND57
Vidhan Sabha election in 2001 WON by IND party with 45% vote share
Winner: Appavu .M
Appavu .M IND44,619
Jothi .S PMK26,338
Venus Veera Arasu .T DMK21,600
Sargunaraj .N MDMK2,055
Jothi .T IND1,463
Arumugam.M IND922
Appavu .K IND876
Balakrishnan.T IND411
Vidhan Sabha election in 2006 WON by DMK party with 43% vote share
Winner: Appavu. M.
Appavu. M. DMK49,249
Gnanapunitha.L ADMK38,552
Selvaraj K P K IND9,017
Sivanaintha Perumal.S DMDK6,404
Thamizhisai BJP5,343
Parvathi.A AIFB1,059
Selvaraj.A IND1,051
Thanam. S IND994
Thangasamy.P IND503
Selvaraj.T IND318
Selvaraj.M IND246
Rajamanickam.P RLD244
Rajamani.S ABHM206
Selvaraj.P IND167
Selvakumar.A IND125
Arumugam. M. IND106
Vidhan Sabha election in 2011 WON by DMDK party with 48% vote share
Winner: S.Michael Rayappan
S.Michael Rayappan DMDK67,072
P.Veldurai INC45,597
N.Nallakannu JMM6,336
M.Vijaya Kumar IND6,154
R.Shanthi Ragavan BJP5,305
Jesupani Vazhan IND2,716
D.Iniyan John @ John IND1,020
S.Kingsly Isacc Jebaraj IJK733
Alrin IND689
M.Arumugam IND610
S.Duerack Raj Thilak APM583
R.Maragathavalli IND547
A.Elanchezhian IND509
S.Marthandan IND472
G.Balasubramanian IND351
Vidhan Sabha election in 2016 WON by ADMK party with 41% vote share
Winner: I S Inbadurai
I S Inbadurai ADMK69,590
M Appavu DMK69,541
S Kani Amudha BJP11,131
S Sivananaintha Perumal DMDK8,362
S P Udayakumar IND4,891
S Lobin NTK3,125
None Of The Above NOTA1,821
V Rajiv IND835
S Gurunathan PMK501
N Kannan BSP474
S Subash SHS287
R P S Kartheesan IND203
V Mary Gracy IND200
Muthu Selvi IND150
S Ganesamoorthy IND118
Duraiselvan IND108
Vidhan Sabha election in 2021 WON by DMK party with 44% vote share
Winner: M.Appavu
M.Appavu DMK82,331
I.S.Inbadurai ADMK76,406
R.Jesu Dhasan NTK19,371
K.Jeyabalan DMDK2,432
G.Deva Peran IND1,224
Nota NOTA903
K.Subburaj IND518
R.Sudalaimani IND470
E.Esakkiammal BSP464
T.Sermadurai IND456
J.Jesu Rajendran NIDP329
A.Kumar IND318
T.Muthu Selvi IND310
M.Chandran VTVTK295
N.Godfrey Washington Noble AJPK235
T.Venus Veera Arasu IND224
N.Kannan IND193
M.Vijayakumar IND143
D.Arunraj IND139
M.Saswathan IND117
M.Antony Rossary IND98
D.Sheik Syed Ali IND95
S.Abinanth Ram IND69
S.Katteri Perumal IND59
T.Rethina Pandi IND59
S.Manikandan IND52