Raja Pakar
All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Raja Pakar
Assembly Election Race in Raja Pakar

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 2010 WON by JD(U) party with 42% vote share
Winner: Sanjay Kumar
Sanjay Kumar JD(U)43,212
Gaurishankar Paswan LJP32,997
Virchandra Paswan INC4,180
Dharmendra Kumar IND1,939
Pankaj Kumar IND1,872
Hari Nath Ram IND1,842
Mahendra Ram IND1,776
Ramji Bhakta IND1,756
Inderadev Varispuri NCP1,727
Saddu Bhagat IND1,482
Kumari Babita Rajak IND1,460
Ramesh Dash BSP1,271
Kripa Shankar Das IND1,026
Akal Ram IND1,017
Ram Nath Paswan IND998
Uma Shankar Ram MCPI(S)874
Anil Kumar Das JPS864
Deelip Kumar IND742
Rita Choudhary SP636
Vishaw Vijay Kumar JD(S)462
Anil Kumar SJP(R)443
Birendra Ram IND383
Vidhan Sabha election in 2015 WON by RJD party with 45% vote share
Winner: Shivchandra Ram
Shivchandra Ram RJD61,251
Ram Nath Raman LJP46,096
Pankaj Kumar IND4,508
Gaurishankar Paswan IND4,406
Ram Shankar Ram Alias Ram Shankar Bharati CPM2,697
Dasai Chaudhari IND2,394
Rajendra Ram IND2,312
None Of The Above NOTA1,925
Ramesh Das BSP1,651
Amod Kumar Paswan SP1,288
Gajendra Rajak IND1,278
Upendra Paswan AAHPty1,133
Akal Ram IND1,113
Virendra Ram IND737
Shatrughan Mahato SKLP555
Manju Devi Alias Manju Das HCP555
Ram Sewak Paswan KSVP470
Chandshekhar Ram RGD410