All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Rajabala
Assembly Election Race in Rajabala

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1978 WON by IND party with 35% vote share
Winner: Mozibur Rahman
Mozibur Rahman IND2,896
Khursedur Khan INC2,877
Sibendra Narayan Koch INC1,938
Morison Daring IND545
Vidhan Sabha election in 1983 WON by INC party with 30% vote share
Winner: Md. Khorshedur Rahman Khan
Md. Khorshedur Rahman Khan INC3,129
Mazibur Rahman IND2,568
Shubondra M. Marak HPD1,912
Sibendra Narayan Koch IND1,395
Monoranjan Hajong AHL906
Kshirode Marak IND392
Vidhan Sabha election in 1988 WON by IND party with 27% vote share
Winner: Miriam D. Shira
Miriam D. Shira IND3,459
Sibendra Narayan Koch IND2,646
Lokhindor Hajong INC2,577
Shubendra M. Marak HPU2,320
Bhadreswar Hajong IND1,239
Monoranjan Roy Hajong IND296
Monoranjan Hajong AHL(A)102
Bimon Sangma IND68
Vidhan Sabha election in 1993 WON by IND party with 41% vote share
Winner: Sayeedullah Nongrum
Sayeedullah Nongrum IND6,225
Biren Hajong BJP3,831
Subendra Marak INC3,373
Miriam Shira IND1,394
Sisil Marak HPU310
Vidhan Sabha election in 1998 WON by INC party with 41% vote share
Winner: Kapin Ch. Boro
Kapin Ch. Boro INC6,620
Sayeedullah Nongrum UDP6,491
Sisil Marak IND1,037
Clement Marak IND877
Utpol Areng BJP546
Lalthantluanga D Shira IND397
Bijeta Daring IND154
Vidhan Sabha election in 2003 WON by INC party with 41% vote share
Winner: Sayeedullah Nongrum
Sayeedullah Nongrum INC7,125
Clement Marak NCP6,911
Akhil Hajong BJP2,386
Shyamal Kanti Daring IND789
Jaffar Kharkongor UDP165
Vidhan Sabha election in 2008 WON by INC party with 38% vote share
Winner: Sayeedullah Nongrum
Sayeedullah Nongrum INC7,970
Ashahel D.Shira NCP6,308
Kapin Ch Boro IND3,552
Sisir Marak IND2,415
Samarendra A.Sangma BJP343
Milson Sangma IND151
Jahannara B.Kharbhih UDP121
Serazul Haque IND89
Vidhan Sabha election in 2013 WON by IND party with 27% vote share
Winner: Ashahel D Shira
Ashahel D Shira IND6,572
Azad Zaman IND5,681
Abdus Saleh IND4,082
Mizanur Rahman Kazi UDP2,806
Sayeedullah Nongrum INC1,993
Rahibul Islam Sarker SP1,089
Sofior Rahman NPP475
Md. Islam Hoque NCP411
Phillip A. Sangma BJP341
Abdus Saffur Mondal IND337
Tim Chisim IND232
Vidhan Sabha election in 2018 WON by INC party with 27% vote share
Winner: Azad Zaman
Azad Zaman INC7,420
Ashahel D Shira IND6,482
Abdus Saleh IND5,891
Mizanur Rahman Kazi NPEP5,178
Zinbaward N Sangma IND1,115
Sofior Rahman BJP1,102
None Of The Above NOTA182