Assembly Election Race in Ramanujganj
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel
with all details for that election.
Winner: Ram Vichar Netam
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ram Vichar Netam | BJP | 54,562 |
Vrihaspat Singh | INC | 50,352 |
Balmukund Singh | BSP | 5,148 |
Heera Lal Shyam | IND | 3,312 |
Mikhail Ekka | SP | 1,915 |
Suraj Dev Singh | IND | 1,255 |
Ram Dayal Nagvansi | IND | 1,121 |
Munsi Ram | IND | 1,101 |
Amardeep Minj | IND | 1,043 |
Winner: Brihaspat Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Brihaspat Singh | INC | 73,174 |
Ram Vichar Netam | BJP | 61,582 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 3,594 |
Jangsay Poya | GGP | 2,024 |
Kunni Unraon | NCP | 1,655 |
Vijay Lakra | IND | 1,535 |
Surajdev Singh | IND | 1,236 |
Bigan Singh | IND | 1,151 |
Binod Singh | BSP | 1,109 |
Nandlal | IND | 771 |
Dharmu Ekka | IND | 740 |
Gopal Singh | IND | 730 |
Anil Kumar Minj | IND | 696 |
Winner: Brihaspat Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Brihaspat Singh | INC | 64,580 |
Ramkishun Singh | BJP | 31,664 |
Vinay Paikra | IND | 29,241 |
Mohan Singh | JCCJ | 10,354 |
Daya Shankar Markam | GGP | 4,691 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 4,055 |
Shrawan Singh | IND | 1,676 |
Babla Nand Raghuvanshi | APOI | 1,449 |
Motilal Pando | IND | 1,429 |
Syamlal Markam | IND | 1,224 |
Jailal Lakra | JD(U) | 1,069 |
Dharmu Ekka | BMUP | 1,037 |
Rajpal Singh Nagwanshi | IND | 969 |
Sugriv Ram | AAAP | 844 |
Dayanand Singh | IND | 591 |