Assembly Election Race in Saiha
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Sapliana Vandir
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Sapliana Vandir | IND | 1,390 |
L. Chinzah | INC | 1,268 |
Zoliam | IND | 177 |
Winner: R.T. Zachono
Candidate | Party | Votes |
R.T. Zachono | IND | 1,636 |
Rohnuna | IND | 1,316 |
S. Vadyu | IND | 1,112 |
K. Thanchuta | IND | 487 |
L.B. Zathang | IND | 435 |
Lalvunga | IND | 104 |
H. Tanmanga | IND | 37 |
Winner: S. Vadyu
Candidate | Party | Votes |
S. Vadyu | JNP | 2,853 |
R. T. Zachono | PPC | 2,713 |
B. Sangchema | IND | 315 |
Winner: F. Lalramliana
Candidate | Party | Votes |
F. Lalramliana | INC | 4,649 |
L. Chinzah | PC | 3,896 |
A. Thangruma | IND | 207 |
Vanhranga Fanchun | IND | 60 |
Winner: S. Hiato
Candidate | Party | Votes |
S. Hiato | INC | 4,363 |
Zakhu Hlychho | MNF | 3,763 |
J. S. Ropianga | IND | 129 |
Winner: Zakhu Hlychho
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Zakhu Hlychho | MNF | 5,232 |
S. Hiato | INC | 4,356 |
Winner: Zakhu Hlychho
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Zakhu Hlychho | INC | 3,617 |
S.Vadyu | MDF | 3,604 |
Lalringa | MNF | 3,112 |
Winner: S. Hiato
Candidate | Party | Votes |
S. Hiato | INC | 4,771 |
S. Vadyu | MDF | 4,430 |
Lalringa | MNF | 2,986 |
M. C. Lalbuaia | JD(U) | 125 |
Winner: S. Hiato
Candidate | Party | Votes |
S. Hiato | INC | 4,772 |
H.C. Lalmalsawma Zasai | MNF | 4,669 |
K. Beichhua | IND | 3,010 |
F. Lalhmachhuana | ZNP | 415 |
M.C. Lalbuaia | LJP | 51 |
Winner: K. Beichhua
Candidate | Party | Votes |
K. Beichhua | MNF | 7,324 |
S. Hiato | INC | 7,102 |
F. Lalhmachhuana | ZNP | 274 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 61 |