Assembly Election Race in St Andre
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Francisco Silveira
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Francisco Silveira | INC | 8,087 |
Ramrao Surya Naik Wagh | BJP | 3,017 |
Jagdish Umakant Bhobe | MAG | 2,393 |
Dhaku Arjun Madkaikar | IND | 1,285 |
Rama Gurudas Kankonkar | AAAP | 979 |
Dattaram Naguesh Chari | NCP | 325 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 152 |
Simao Aleixo Caiado | IND | 143 |
Sunil Savlo Kerkar | IND | 97 |
Leocardio A D Monteiro | GSRP | 47 |
Ashwin Menino Rosario | IND | 29 |
Winner: Viresh Mukesh Borkar
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Viresh Mukesh Borkar | RVLTGONP | 5,395 |
Francisco Silveira | BJP | 5,319 |
Anthony Lino Fernandes | INC | 2,695 |
Jagdish Umakant Bhobe | AITC | 1,261 |
Ramrao Surya Naik Wagh | AAAP | 1,122 |
Rama Kankonkar | IND | 219 |
NOTA | NOTA | 137 |
Estevan Elvis DSouza | NCP | 131 |