All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Taloda
Assembly Election Race in Taloda

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1962 WON by INC party with 61% vote share
Winner: Digambar Narshi Padvi
Digambar Narshi Padvi INC11,998
Ramu Dharma Padvi JS4,064
Keshawrao Uttamrao Naik REP2,465
Dhanji Inda Wasave IND1,101
Vidhan Sabha election in 1967 WON by INC party with 56% vote share
Winner: D. N. Padvi
D. N. Padvi INC21,500
J. G. Natawadkar BJS16,847
Vidhan Sabha election in 1972 WON by BJS party with 49% vote share
Winner: Dilwarsing D. Padvi
Dilwarsing D. Padvi BJS15,793
Goraji Suraji Padvi INC13,956
Abhimanyu Nuraji Valawi IND2,193
Vidhan Sabha election in 1980 WON by INC party with 49% vote share
Winner: Abhimannu Nurji Valvi
Abhimannu Nurji Valvi INC21,625
Padvi Dilawarsing BJP9,112
Padvi Jadu Surya IND6,414
Mali Bansi Shankar IND4,216
Padvi Udesing Kocharya JNP3,052