Assembly Election Race in Thangmeiband
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: N . Tombi
Candidate | Party | Votes |
N . Tombi | INC | 5,841 |
R . K . Upendra | SSP | 2,546 |
N . Tompok | IND | 2,075 |
S . Indramani | IND | 559 |
Winner: Shagolsemi Bomcha
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Shagolsemi Bomcha | INC | 3,249 |
Maibam Gouramani | MRP | 2,080 |
Yumnam Nilamani Singh | IND | 2,050 |
Winner: Maibam Gouramani
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Maibam Gouramani | MRP | 4,235 |
Sagolsem Ibomcha | INC | 3,483 |
Achoibam Banbihari | IND | 500 |
Winner: K. Radhabinod
Candidate | Party | Votes |
K. Radhabinod | IND | 2,274 |
Gangummei | IND | 1,829 |
Ng. Kumarjit | MPP | 1,299 |
Kh. Apabi | INC | 1,289 |
R. K. Jabotbihari | JNP | 1,163 |
Maisnam Modhumangol | IND | 957 |
S. Indramani | IND | 349 |
M. Punyabati | INC(U) | 349 |
Aribam Gourakrishna | IND | 306 |
S. Ibochow | IND | 229 |
Winner: Koijam Radhabinod Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Koijam Radhabinod Singh | INC | 5,826 |
Ningthoujam Benoy Singh | IND | 3,281 |
Ng. Ibochouba Singh | IND | 2,061 |
Ng. Kumarjit Singh | MRP | 1,058 |
Meinam Bhorot Singh | BJP | 667 |
Shamulailatpam Gourachandra | JNP | 132 |
Winner: Ngangbam Kumarjit
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Ngangbam Kumarjit | MPP | 9,885 |
Koijam Radhabinod | INC | 6,476 |
Gurumayum Nimaichand Sharma | JD | 201 |
Winner: Radhabinod Koijam
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Radhabinod Koijam | INC | 7,666 |
Ningthoujam Binoy Singh | SAP | 5,947 |
Meinam Bharat Singh | BJP | 1,848 |
Laikhuram Jayentakumar | FPM | 549 |
Ngangbam Kumarjit | MPP | 545 |
Shamulailapam Gourachandra Sharma | SJP(R) | 51 |
Winner: Radhabinod Koijam
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Radhabinod Koijam | INC | 5,983 |
Meinam Bharat Singh | BJP | 5,120 |
Ningthoujam Benoy Singh | MSCP | 3,818 |
Naorem Sarat Kumar Singh | FPM | 2,978 |
Winner: Meinam Bhorot Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Meinam Bhorot Singh | BJP | 6,686 |
Radhabinod Koijam | SAP | 5,066 |
Salam Nabachandra | INC | 2,235 |
Khumanthem Devabrata Singh | MSCP | 1,363 |
Bhinoy Singh Ningthoujam | FPM | 1,098 |
Sarat Kumar Naorem | DRPP | 580 |
Mayanglambam Jane Singh | SJP(R) | 166 |
Aheibam Shantikumar Singh | MPP | 53 |
Aheibam Lokeshwor Singh | MNC | 45 |
Winner: Radhabinod Koijam
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Radhabinod Koijam | NCP | 7,073 |
Jyotin Waikhom | INC | 5,945 |
Meinam Bhorot Singh | BJP | 4,367 |
Chingtham | MPP | 2,562 |
Salam Nabachandra | RJD | 185 |
Winner: Khumukcham Joykisan
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Khumukcham Joykisan | AITC | 7,670 |
Jyotin Waikhom | INC | 6,686 |
Radhabinod Koijam | NCP | 3,872 |
Indrajit | MSCP | 2,713 |
Meinam Bhorot Singh | BJP | 360 |
Winner: Khumukcham Joykisan Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Khumukcham Joykisan Singh | INC | 11,596 |
Jyotin Waikhom | BJP | 11,439 |
Erendro Leichombam | PRJA | 573 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 137 |
Winner: Khumukcham Joykisan Singh
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Khumukcham Joykisan Singh | JD(U) | 13,629 |
Jotin Waikhom | BJP | 9,856 |
Hijam Nutanchandra Singh | INC | 457 |
NOTA | NOTA | 360 |