All elections held in this constituency whether its Loksabha and/or Vidhansabha, everything can be found on this page for Titlagarh
Assembly Election Race in Titlagarh

Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year. Start exploring by hitting a cirlce in the middle or click on left/ right wings that would display a panel with all details for that election.
Vidhan Sabha election in 1951 WON by GP party with 34% vote share
Winner: Ramesh Ch. Bhoi
Ramesh Ch. Bhoi GP19,573
Muralidhar Panda GP19,084
Dibakar Bahidar INC7,453
Chandramani Naik INC7,393
Basudeb Jain IND3,517
Vidhan Sabha election in 1957 WON by GP party with 41% vote share
Winner: Rajendranarayan Singh Deo
Rajendranarayan Singh Deo GP25,354
Achyutananda Mahanand GP23,580
Satyanarayan Jain INC7,503
Loknath Rai INC5,964
Vidhan Sabha election in 2009 WON by INC party with 39% vote share
Winner: Surendra Singh Bhoi
Surendra Singh Bhoi INC57,753
Jogendra Behera BJD52,915
Santanu Kumar Naik BJP25,976
Debendra Kumar Jain BSP4,697
Sarat Kumar Sahu IND2,635
Ghanashyama Pradhani SAMO2,282
Chairman Bag SP1,238
Vidhan Sabha election in 2014 WON by BJD party with 42% vote share
Winner: Tukuni Sahu
Tukuni Sahu BJD71,858
Surendra Singh Bhoi INC57,836
Mahendra Kumar Thakur BJP25,617
Jagneswar ojm3,805
Satya Narayan Behera BSP2,265
Ranju Raiman IND1,987
None Of The Above NOTA1,748
Loknath Jal NCP1,229
Chairman Bag IND1,025
Lalit Mohan Tandi APoI956
Sudam Nag KS855
Devendra Kumar Jain KOMM828
Sitaram Satpathy skd814
Vidhan Sabha election in 2019 WON by BJD party with 40% vote share
Winner: Tukuni Sahu
Tukuni Sahu BJD73,284
Surendra Sing Bhoi INC53,647
Ashok Dora BJP47,476
Bibhisan Nag BSP2,563
Madhusudan Barik APoI2,066
Nota NOTA2,025
Hifzul Rahman IND1,176
Khemraj Agrawal IND1,052
Satya Narayan Bohidar IND908