Assembly Election Race in Vasco-Da-Gama
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Jose Luis Carlos Almeida
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Jose Luis Carlos Almeida | BJP | 8,765 |
Krishna (Daji) V Salkar | IND | 7,414 |
Jose Filipe De Sousa | NCP | 4,202 |
Saifula Khan | INC | 3,737 |
Loretta Shreedharan | AAAP | 928 |
Manesh Chandrakant Arolkar | MAG | 654 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 263 |
Gandhi Henriques | IND | 77 |
Chandrashekher Vast | NGRF | 59 |
Winner: Krishna V. Salkar
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Krishna V. Salkar | BJP | 13,118 |
Jose Luis Carlos Almeida | INC | 9,461 |
Saifula Khan | AITC | 860 |
Andre Sebastiao Viegas | RVLTGONP | 851 |
Sunil Loran | AAAP | 784 |
NOTA | NOTA | 244 |
Maruti Shirgaonkar | SHS | 71 |
Chandrashekher Vast | IND | 55 |
Andrew D’Cunha | IND | 42 |
Sandeep Bhagwan Shetye | JMBP | 20 |