Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Chauhan Kishor Babulal
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Chauhan Kishor Babulal | BJP | 117,748 |
Shah Mihirbhai Subodhbhai | INC | 95,181 |
None Of The Above | NOTA | 3,663 |
Solanki Vinodbhai Bodhabhai | BSP | 947 |
Parmar Yusufbhai Jeebhai | NCP | 802 |
Madhuri Niraj Bharadvaj | IND | 550 |
Rina Nitinkumar Barot | IND | 395 |
Govindbhai Jadav (Dhandhukawala) | IND | 259 |
Saiyad Kausarali Faiyazali (Swapnadrashta) | SP(I) | 197 |
Shaikh Yunus Gulamrasul | ADPT | 185 |
Gajjar Nilesh Rameshbhai | VHS | 160 |
Kshatria Birju Motisinh | RaJPa | 157 |
Maheta Yogesh Devendrabhai | LOGAP | 153 |