Assembly Election Race in Vishnu Garden
Election history
All the elections held in this constituency are all listed below in a timeline fashion order by year.
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with all details for that election.
Winner: Mahinder Singh Saathi
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Mahinder Singh Saathi | INC | 17,962 |
Daya Nand Chandila | IND | 12,252 |
R.P. Singh | BJP | 11,086 |
Balwinder Singh Talwandi | JD | 7,090 |
Satnam Singh | JP | 807 |
Prem Singh | IND | 409 |
Jarnail Singh | IND | 354 |
Amarjit Singh | BSP | 125 |
Parveen Rani | IND | 76 |
Sat Pal | IND | 67 |
Ganga Saran | BLMD | 58 |
Ramesh Kochar | IND | 56 |
Ravinder Kumar | IND | 53 |
Suresh Kumar | IND | 51 |
Pritam Kaur | IND | 48 |
Baldev Singh | IND | 31 |
Kishan Singh | BVD | 30 |
Amarjit | IND | 21 |
Kishor Chand | IND | 18 |
Surat Singh | IND | 17 |
Sanjeev Kumar | IND | 16 |
Shella Devi | DDP | 15 |
Raj Kumar | IND | 13 |
Rajesh Kumar | IND | 6 |
Winner: Mahinder Singh Saathi
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Mahinder Singh Saathi | INC | 21,612 |
Dayanand Chandila | JMM | 17,375 |
Dhanwant Singh | BJP | 9,763 |
Gurcharan Singh Babbar | IND | 1,889 |
Pritpal Singh Pali | SAD(M) | 1,393 |
Gopal Paharia | IND | 595 |
Raj Kumar | SHS | 265 |
Avtar Singh | SP | 203 |
Aftab Alam | IND | 129 |
Dharmender Kumar | IND | 85 |
Jatinder Pal Singh | IND | 56 |
Shiv Shankar Singh | IND | 32 |
Wazir Singh | IND | 31 |
Ravinder Singh | IND | 22 |
Nawab Singh Chandila | IND | 18 |
Winner: A.Dayanand Chandila. A
Candidate | Party | Votes |
A.Dayanand Chandila. A | BJP | 31,211 |
Mahender Singh Sathi | INC | 27,951 |
Harisharan Jeet Singh | NCP | 1,157 |
Ravinder Yadav | SP | 337 |
Ravinder Singh | IND | 325 |
Chander Kanta Dateer | RSP(U) | 208 |
Megh Raj Chandila | IND | 168 |
Gurjit Singh | IND | 54 |
Nawab Singh | IND | 53 |