A. Romawia
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name A. Romawia contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2018 for Vidhan Sabha from Tuivawl
LOST against Lalchhandama Ralte
with 8% vote share
2018 for Vidhan Sabha from Aizawl East Ii
WON against B Lalchhanzova
with 41% vote share
2014 for Lok Sabha from Mizoram
LOST against C. L. Ruala
with 47% vote share
C. L. Ruala INC210,485
Robert Romawia Royte IND204,331
M.Lalmanzuala AAAP11,890
None Of The Above NOTA6,495
2013 for Vidhan Sabha from Aizawl North - I
WON against Vanlalhlana
with 37% vote share
1993 for Vidhan Sabha from Kawrthah
LOST against Saikapthianga
with 0% vote share
1989 for Vidhan Sabha from Vanva
WON against K. Thanfianga
with 35% vote share
R. Romawia MNF1,591
K. Thanfianga IND1,500
Lalhmingthanga PPC1,388
T. Nghaklana IND100
1989 for Vidhan Sabha from Kawrthah
LOST against Saikapthianga
with 3% vote share
Saikapthianga INC2,644
R. Liantluanag MNF1,835
F. Rotluanga PPC433
Romawia IND168
1989 for Vidhan Sabha from Phuldungsei
LOST against Liansuama
with 0% vote share
Liansuama INC3,777
B. Lalthlengliana MNF2,989
Lalhmingliana PPC1,208
Romawia IND28
1984 for Vidhan Sabha from Tawipui
LOST against Z.D. Sangliana
with 15% vote share
1979 for Vidhan Sabha from Lunglei
LOST against Lalhmingthanga
with 34% vote share
Lalhmingthanga PPC3,846
R. Romawia IND2,249
Thansiama Khiangte JNP524
1978 for Vidhan Sabha from Hnahthial
WON against Thansiama Khiantle
with 58% vote share
R. Romawia PPC3,351
Thansiama Khiantle IND1,993
V.L. Nghaka IND406
1972 for Vidhan Sabha from Lungpho
LOST against C Lalruata
with 10% vote share
C Lalruata IND2,081
C Chhunbura INC1,488
R. Romawia IND388
Hmarliana SOP39