Adhikary Sisir
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Adhikary Sisir contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2019 for Lok Sabha from Kanthi
WON against Debasis Samanta
with 50% vote share
2014 for Lok Sabha from Kanthi
WON against Sinha Tapas
with 52% vote share
2009 for Lok Sabha from Kanthi
WON against Prasanta Pradhan
with 54% vote share
Adhikari Sisir Kumar AITC606,712
Prasanta Pradhan CPM477,609
Amalesh Mishra BJP31,952
Patra Rashbehari BSP8,174
2006 for Vidhan Sabha from Egra
WON against Sinha Prabodh Chandra
with 48% vote share
2001 for Vidhan Sabha from Contai South
WON against Sukhendu Maiti
with 53% vote share
Adhikary Sisir AITC62,786
Sukhendu Maiti CPI49,231
Amalendu Pahari BJP5,181
Kalpana Jana (Das) IND2,091
1998 for Lok Sabha from Contai
LOST against Sudhir Giri
with 13% vote share
Sudhir Giri CPM394,017
Akhil Giri WBTC319,159
Adhikary Sisir Kumar INC110,249
Hrishikesh Das AMB924
1987 for Vidhan Sabha from Contai South
LOST against Sukhendu Maiti
with 6% vote share
1982 for Vidhan Sabha from Contai South
WON against Deepak Mondal
with 56% vote share
Adhikary Sisir INC37,624
Deepak Mondal IND21,897
Sukhendu Maity CPI4,357
Satyabrata Maity JNP3,122
Anil Rao IND404
1971 for Vidhan Sabha from Contai South
LOST against Sudhir Chandra Das
with 10% vote share