Adv. Suresh Shinde
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Adv. Suresh Shinde contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2014 for Lok Sabha from Nagpur
LOST against Gadkari Nitin Jairam
with 0% vote share
Gadkari Nitin Jairam BJP587,767
Vilas Muttemwar INC302,919
Mohan Ramrao Gaikwad BSP96,433
Anjali Anish Damania AAAP69,081
None Of The Above NOTA3,460
Kavita Vinodkumar Tibdiwal IND2,408
Kanphade Rajendrakumar Ex. Additional Collector IND2,269
Senapati Uttam Sapan IND2,017
Chanda Sudhir Manwatkar IND1,880
Pradeep Rambhauji Nagrale APoI1,366
Ansari Javed Ahemad DESEP1,262
Shridhar Narayan Salve IND1,187
Somkuvar Vijay Sitaram IND1,077
Sunil Dattu Pendor BMUP836
Jivan Ramteke IND807
Gaus Mohammed Sheikh Ayyub Sheikh IND784
Ravindra Manik Borkar IND760
Adv. Suresh Shinde IND677
Mohan Marotrao Karemore IND665
Anita Nagdigambar Tekam IND660
Phusey Ghanshyam Ramaji RPI655
Shakil Wasi Ahamad IND542
Ajaz Khan IND542
Baburao Damaduji Meshram IND539
Rajesh Suresh Sadhankar IND537
Chimote Rammurti Keshvrao GGP528
Bashir Khan MNDP466
Shahid Sharif JD(U)452
Pankaj Prafulkumar Bhansali IND439
Dharmendra Mandlik (Parate) HJP426
Babulal Sundarlal Banjare IND419
Dilip Narayan Bhorkar IND415
Dhiraj Jaidev Gajbhiye IND390
Ateeque Ahmad Malik IND373
2009 for Lok Sabha from Wardha
LOST against Datta Meghe
with 0% vote share
1999 for Vidhan Sabha from Nagpur South
LOST against Mohan Gopalrao Mate
with 0% vote share