Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Amrutiya Govindhai Dayabhai contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
LOST against Kasundra Maganbhai Ammanbhai
with 13% vote share
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Kasundra Maganbhai Ammanbhai | BJP | 32,451 |
Bhimani Dayabhai Devsibhai | INC | 11,889 |
Solanki Jagmohandas Kunverji | IND | 10,581 |
Amrutiya Govindhai Dayabhai | JD | 8,288 |
Desai Babulal Mohanlal | IND | 633 |
Bhatt Niranjan Manishankar | IND | 543 |
Vachhani Hematkumar Dayalal | JNP | 292 |
Padhiar Lalji Kara | RPI | 234 |
Gohel Devjibhai Gangarambhai | IND | 216 |
Patel Keshavji Ukabhai | YVP | 194 |
Pathan Mohamadbhai Zakariabhai | DDP | 127 |
Kumbharvadia Bhagvan Karu | IND | 109 |
Ravjibhai Bhavanbhai Rampariya | IND | 88 |