Habib Gayas Shaikh
Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Habib Gayas Shaikh contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2019 for Lok Sabha from Aurangabad
LOST against Imtiaz Jaleel Syed
with 0% vote share
2014 for Vidhan Sabha from Aurangabad East
LOST against Atul Moreshwar Save
with 0% vote share
Atul Moreshwar Save BJP64,528
Abdul Gaffar Quadri AIMIM60,268
Darda Rajendra Jawaharlal INC21,203
Kala Oza SHS11,409
Kacharu Shripat Sonawane BSP5,364
Uttamsingh Rajdharsingh Pawar IND2,885
Zuber Amanullah Motiwala NCP2,121
Kango Bhalchandra Khanderao CPI1,592
Sumeet Shyam Khambekar MNS1,419
None Of The Above NOTA786
Pakhare Vishal Kaduba IND619
Mobinuddin Khadiruddin Siddiqui IND554
Kurhe Laxman Vitthal IND358
Kunjabihari Jugalkishor Agrawal IND313
Isa Yasin MBT256
Ghuge Nitin Pundalik IND181
Dilip Ramchandra Dhepe IND160
Adv.Laxman Kaduba Patil Pradhan IND157
Vinod Tarasingh Chavan BMUP135
Mirza Nisar Baig Ajij Baig SP134
Shaikh Jiyaulla Shaikh Akabar HJP121
Kadam Bharat Purushottam IND114
Khulas Laxman Wagh IND105
Sajid Begu Patel IND105
Jagdish Maharaj Kharat IND98
Shaikh A. Rauf M. Yousuf IND89
Salim Kasim Patel Wahegaonkar IND83
Jawaharlal Lakshman Bhagure IND83
Mohammad Kismatwala Kasim GaAP65
Shaikh Rafik Shaikh Rajjak IND63
Shaikh Habib Shaikh Gayas IND54