Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Kameswar Rao Kanagala contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
LOST against Puvvada Nageswar Rao
with 0% vote share
Candidate | Party | Votes |
Puvvada Nageswar Rao | CPI | 68,744 |
Zaheer Ali Mohammad | INC | 44,806 |
Darapuneni Koteswar Rao | BJP | 7,744 |
Venkaiah Bandela | IND | 2,731 |
Gandhi Chilukuru | IND | 928 |
Ekbal Pasha Shaik | MBT | 443 |
Veeraswamy Ganduri | IND | 385 |
Khaja Khan Mohammad | IND | 365 |
Davood Ali Manju Sayyed | IND | 356 |
Laxma Naik Banoth | IND | 266 |
Prakash Rao Valaparla | IND | 262 |
Anantharamaiah Mallela | IND | 210 |
Kameswar Rao Kanagala | IND | 195 |
Harinadha Rao Boddu | SP | 174 |
Balaraju Koppula | IND | 163 |
Lingaiah Jangala | IND | 153 |
Nageswar Rao Komarabathina | IND | 114 |