Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Lala contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
2014 for Lok Sabha from Mandi
LOST against Ram Swaroop Sharma
with 1% vote share
2009 for Lok Sabha from Mandi
LOST against Virbhadra Singh
with 1% vote share
Virbhadra Singh INC340,973
Maheshwar Singh BJP326,976
Onkar Shad CPM20,664
Lala Ram BSP10,131
Hookam Chand Shastri RWS7,877
Shan Mohammad IND6,405
1967 for Vidhan Sabha from Baijnath
LOST against B.Ram
with 2% vote share
B.Ram CPI3,415
K.Devi INC3,232
S.Ram IND2,734
B.Ram IND1,294
A.Chand BJS1,233
R.Parkash IND648
Bidhia IND254
Lala IND222