Political History explained in a timeline fashion. Click on the side panels or click on the circles to expand more information in a given election. Once you view more details, you could also select pie-chart option to view data in a chart.
Election history
All the elections where a candidate by the name Manbodh contested in whether lost or won, by how many votes. His/ her vote share etc details all can be found here.
1998 for Vidhan Sabha from Saria
LOST against Shkrajit Naik
with 0% vote share
1998 for Lok Sabha from Shahdol
LOST against Gyan Singh
with 2% vote share
Gyan Singh BJP296,764
Dalveer Singh INC257,030
Dhan Singh Pawel BSP77,976
Dalpat Singh Paraste JD28,353
Manbodh GGP12,296
Kalyan Singh AJBP4,480
Laluwa Singh IND1,337
1996 for Lok Sabha from Shahdol
LOST against Gyan Singh
with 1% vote share
1993 for Vidhan Sabha from Seoni
WON against Ashuotosh Om Prakash Verma
with 47% vote share
1985 for Vidhan Sabha from Churahat
LOST against Arjun Singh
with 0% vote share
1985 for Vidhan Sabha from Tapkara
LOST against Nandkumar Sai
with 1% vote share
Nandkumar Sai BJP19,306
Dineshwar Sai INC17,707
Bhagat Bhondu IND1,239
Bhurso Manbodh IND463
Martin Topo IND83
1985 for Vidhan Sabha from Dhauhani
LOST against Jagwa Devi
with 4% vote share
1957 for Vidhan Sabha from Mangawan
LOST against Rukmani Raman Pratap Singh
with 17% vote share